Road Sweepers


cestni pometač holms

Holms corner sweeper SL

The Holms Angle Sweeper SL is a small but powerful sweeper designed for sweeping all year round. Snow or gravel, it doesn’t matter. The Holms corner sweeper SL can do it all

  1. SAS, self-adjusting suspension. Correct ground pressure with minimal adjustments It follows the slopes and irregularities of the terrain

  2. Change the angle of the sweeper hydraulically (optional) or manually (included as standard)

  3. Durable splash guard

  4. Led lighting

  5. Two different brush cores. Swish (optional) or Beeline Ring brush (Standard). The attachment in the picture is equipped with Swish

  6. Two direct-acting hydraulic motors with high torque

  7. Parking support


The Holms Angle Sweeper SH is a powerful sweeper for the best results. Made to be used year around

  1. Self Adjusting Suspension – Correct ground pressure with minial adjustments. Follows the slopes and irregularities of the ground

  2. Angle the sweeper hydraulically (Optional) or manually (included as standard)

  3. Extra durable, height-adjustable splash guard

  4. Led lighting

  5. Easy-to-use parking support Dual, direct-acting hydraulic motors Choose between two different brushes – Regular ring brush / BeeLine (included) or our cassette system with Swish (optional)

  6. Dual motors

  7. Parking support

holms cestni pometac sh
cestni pometač holms sp za nakladalnik


Holms Angle Sweeper SP is an “Super Heavy Duty” sweeper for the thoughest jobs. Adapted for industrial sweeping for landfills, quarries, sawmills and steel mills

  1. Boltdash on bracket

  2. 260l water tank (option)

  3. Splash guard made of steel

  4. Ring brushes – thick

  5. Dual hydraulic motors

  6. Self-Adjusting Suspension


Holms Sweeper SC is an multifunction sweeper for excavators and backhoes. Sweep snow or gravel.

  1. Excavator bracket (optional) S40, S45, S50 or S60

  2. Adjustable, removable splash guard

  3. Brush core Swish (option)

  4. Dual hydraulic motors

  5. Removable parking support

cestni pometač za bagre holms sc
krtača holms za bagre


The Holms Brush is the perfect brush for excavators and all machines with fork lifts.

  1. Pallet fork bracket (included)

  2. Excavator bracket (optional)

  3. High quality steel

  4. 12 rows of brushes

  5. Screwable side plates – Easy access to brushes


Combined Angle Sweeper and Pick-up Sweeper all in one. Perfect for small carriers.

  1. Watertank 100 l / 26.4 US gal

  2. Pick-up bin

  3. Side brush

  4. Front wheel

  5. Support legs

  6. Air cylinder for lowering and raising the bin
cestni pometač holms za manjše stroje
cestni pometač  holms za bagre


Holms Weed Brush for excavators is a new product from Holms Attachments.

  1. Galvanised splash protection bracket

  2. Splash guard

  3. Izberite vrsto krtače

  4. Choose your type of brush

  5. Brush speed control

  6. Angle adjustment


Holms Pick-up Sweeper PH is a sweeper for large wheel loaders and tractors.

  1. Self Adjusting Suspension – Balanced brush roller with a unique suspension.

  2. Indicator for height- and tilt settings while driving.

  3. Water tank, 400l

  4. Inspection hatch

  5. Sweeping container with sliding steel of Hardox quality.

  6. Side/gutter brush, left, right or double (Optional)
  7. Brush rings or Swish (optional)

  8. Parking support

cestni pomtač holms za nakladalnike
cestni pomtač holms za nakladalnike


The Holms Pick-up Sweeper PL is a highly efficient sweeper for front-mounted compact loaders and tractors. These are some of the features of the sweeper.

  1. Floating gate – Allows the attachment to follow the ground without adjustment from the driver.

  2. Boltdash on bracket

  3. Water tank with efficient water pump

  4. Three cast iron support wheels. One front and two at the back of the sweeper Side/Gutter brush (optional)

  5. Dust elimination with Dustbuster. Rubber sheets, water mist and side brush cover (optional)

  6. Gumijaste plošče, megla vode in zaščita stranske krtače (izbirno).

  7. Led lighting