Zglobni demper

Volvo A50J

In a class of your own

Compared to standard suspension, the full suspension concept provides a significant improvement in cycle times. Faster cycles mean more tipper production per hour of operation and the potential to reduce fleet size, cost per tonne and total cost of ownership. In addition, the A50 delivers a 10% increase in productivity compared to the previous generation A45GFS.

Lastnosti in prednosti

Higher productivity, lower costs

The increased payload contributes to an 8% fuel efficiency improvement compared to the previous generation Volvo A45GFS. The result is a reduction in your operating costs and a boost to your bottom line.

Total operator control

Haul Assist, powered by the integrated Volvo Co-Pilot, is a set of tools designed to help you get even more productivity and efficiency from your Volvo Articulated Hauler. A key feature of Haul Assist is On-Board Weighing, which provides real-time payload information which can help to eliminate carry-back and overloading. The result is peak productivity, reduced fuel consumption and less machine wear.

Reinforced axles

Work harder for longer with the reinforced axles, which withstand heavier loads, higher levels of torque and stress. The added strength and stability provided by the axles contributes to higher uptime, reduced wear, longer service intervals and lower maintenance costs.

Haul Assist

Optimizirajte svoje delovanje s pomočjo Haul Assist, ki ga poganja zaslon Volvo Co-Pilot. Dostopajte do nabora orodij, zasnovanih za maksimalen izkoristek vašega Volvo stroja.

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Specialne Rešitve

Ko standardni izdelki niso ustrezna rešitev, se obrnite na svojega lokalnega Volvo trgovca in odkrijte stroj, prilagojen vašim specifičnim zahtevam.


Pridobite vpogled v lokacijo strojev, nivo goriva in skupne delovne ure strojev, kar vam bo pomagalo izboljšati učinkovitost vašega podjetja.

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